‘The Power of Purpose’ Leon Keer groupshow GGA Gallery Wynwood Walls Miami

Groupshow GGA Gallery Wynwood Walls
The Power of Purpose
NOVEMBER 24, 2023 – NOVEMBER 29, 2024
The incoming artists for 2023 represent a diverse group of individuals who are on a mission to find a purpose in every spec of paint they use. Together, these artists are continuing to propel a culture by using street art to positively discuss complex topics we are facing either personally, professionally, or as a human race. The Power of Purpose each one of us embodies has the potential to radically shift paradigms, elicit change, and spark conversations that may help us discover uncharted waters. However, we need to lean into our own discomfort and embrace the unknown to realize how powerful we can become with a true sense of purpose. This may be our purpose of place, our purpose of contribution, our purpose of education, our purpose of family, our purpose of well-being, our purpose of kindness, our purpose of self, and most importantly, our purpose of impact on the planet.
266 NW 26th Street
Miami, FL 33127
United States